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Prof. Stanley Sai-chuen HUI

Prof. Stanley Sai-Chuen HUI
Emeritus Professor
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
Advanced Teacher Certificate in P.E. (GCE, HKSAR)
BPE, MSc (Springfield College, USA)
EdD (University of Houston, USA)
Prof. Stanley HUI was a Professor at the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education and awarded the title of Emeritus Professor and Research Professor starting Aug 2023. Stanley was also the Dean of Students of Lee Woo Sing College from 2012-2019. He is currently the Director of the Exercise-is-Medicine (Hong Kong), President of the Asian Council for Health Physical Activity and Fitness, Council member of the Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity, and Board member of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong. Stanley is an expert and active researcher in health-related fitness, and exercise prescription. He was an ACSM certified health-fitness instructor and Health fitness director in 1998 and 2000, respectively. In 2001 Stanley was awarded Fellow status by both the ACSM and AAHPERD. His recent research focus lies on fitness assessment and evaluation, exercise prescription, as well as exercise for health promotion through technology.
Research Interests
  • Health and Fitness
  • Testing and Measurement Techniques in Fitness, Exercise and Sports
  • Exercise Prescription and Promotion
  • Children and Elderly Fitness
  • Physical Activity and Health
Selected Publications
  1. HUI, S.S.C., Liu, J., Yang, Y.J., Wan, J.H.P., Suen, B.K.P. (2022). Yi Jin Bang exercise versus usual exercise therapy to treat subacromial pain syndrome: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Research in Sports Medicine.
  2. Hu, R., HUI, S.S.C.*, Lee, E.K.P., Stoutenberg, M., Wong S.Y.S., & Yang, Y.J. (2021). Provision of physical activity advice for patients with chronic diseases in Shenzhen, China. BMC Public Health. 21, 2143.
  3. Lau, R.W.L., Cheuk, K.Y., Ng, B.K.W., Tam, E.M.S., Hung, A.L.H., Cheng, J.C., HUI, S.S.C., Lam, T.P. (2021). Effects of Home-based Exercise Intervention (E-Fit) on Bone Density, Muscle Functions and Quality of Life in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): A Pilot Radomised Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,10899.
  4. Leung, K. C., Yang, Y., Hui, S.C., Woo, J. (2021). Mind-body health benefits of traditional Chinese Qigong on women: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  5. Siu, P.M., Yu, A.P., Chin, E.C., Yu, D.S., HUI, S.S.C., Woo, J., Fong, D.Y., Wei, G.X., & Irwin, M.R. (2021). Effects of Tai Chi or Conventional Exercise on Central Obesity in Middle-aged and Older Adults: A Three-arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Internal Medicine. doi:10.7326/M20-7014.
  6. Kwok, R,C.W., Leung, A., HUI, S.S.C., Wong, C.K. (2021). Virtual trainer system: a tool to increase exercise participation and work productivity. Internet Research.
  7. HUI, S.S.C., Zhang, R., Suzuki, K., Naito, H., Balasekaran, G., Song, J.K., Park, S.Y., Liou, Y.M., Lu, D.J., Poh, B.K., Kijboonchoo, K., & Thasanasuwan, W. (2021). The associations between meeting the 24-hour movement guideline and adiposity in Asian adolescents: The Asia-Fit study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 31, 763-771.
  8. Hui, S.C., Zhang, R., Suzuki, K., Naito, H., Balasekaran, G., Song, J.K., Park, S.Y., Liou, Y.M., Lu, D.J., Poh, B.K., Kijboonchoo, K., & Thasanasuwan. (2020). Physical activity and health-related fitness in Asian adolescents: The Asia-Fit study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(3), 273-279. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1695334.
  9. Hui, S.C., Xie, Y., Kwok, R.C.W., Tam, E.W.C., Mak, W.W.S., Mo, P.K.H. (2018). Follow Your Virtual Trainer (FYVT): A randomized controlled trial protocol of IT- based lifestyle intervention program to promote physical activity and health among middle-aged Hong Kong Chinese. BMJ Open. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017908.
  10. Hui, S.C., Xie, Y.J, Woo, J., Kwok, T.C.Y. (2016). Practicing Tai Chi had lower energy metabolism than walking but similar health benefits in terms of aerobic fitness, resting energy expenditure, body composition and self-perceived physical health. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 27, 43-50. Available online:
Funded Research Grants as Principal Investigator (in the past five years)
  • Physical Fitness Test for the Community of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Funded by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR 2021-23.
  • The Effects of Yi Jin Bang Exercise on Adults With Shoulder Impingement. Funded by the UGC Direct Grant 2019-20
  • Exercise is Medicine: A Pilot Project at General Out-Patient Clinics in New Territories East Cluster and Related Training Programmes. Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust Fund 2019-23
  • Taichi and Walking For Mental Health: Application of EEG Analysis. Funded by GRF 2017-18 (UGC)
  • Virtual Trainer for Improving Health and Fitness of Middle-aged Adults. Funded by Knowledge Transfer Fund 19-20
  • Sports for Hope: Programme Assessment and Evaluation. Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust Funds 2016 – 2021
  • The Effects of Walking Football on Physical and Mental Health of Adults Aged 50-70 years-old. Funded by the Chinese YMCA 2020
Courses Taught
  • Statistics and Measurement in Sports and Physical Education
  • Physical fitness Evaluation
  • Exercise Prescription
Selected Honours and Awards
  • Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Education, CUHK, 2010, 2011
  • Young Researcher Award, CUHK, 2008
  • Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine, 2001
  • Fellow, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 2001
Selected Professional Services
  • Exercise is Medicine – At-Large International Representative of the EIM (Global) Governance Board; as well as the National Site Director on behalf of Exercise is Medicine (Hong Kong).
  • Asian Council for Health Physical Activity and Fitness (ACHPAF) – Founder and President.
  • American College of Sports Medicine -- as a Certification Director of the ACSM Health Fitness Certification Programme.
  • Editorial Board Member, journal of Measurement in Physical education and Exercise Science.
  • Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation – as the District Health Centre Express Advisor for the Association.
  • Education Bureau – as a member of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Physical Education; as well as the Steering Committee member for the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE).
  • Hong Kong Science and Technology Park – as a Mentor for the HKSTP Mentorship Programme for Incubation and LEAP companies.
  • The Gentle and Tranquil Tai Chi Chuan Association (柔靜太極拳研藝社) – as a Honorary Consultant for the Association.
  • Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity – as Council member.
  • Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China – member in the Board of Directors for the association.
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