Website for SSPE

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Our research group aims to make a significant impact in the field of exercise science by enhancing our understanding of how exercise positively influences health and fitness across diverse populations, including elite athletes, the general public, and school-aged children. We are committed to providing healthcare and coaching professionals with evidence-based strategies to achieve health and fitness goals, which help optimize athletic performance and promote healthy lifestyles.

In terms of education, our research group aspires to equip students with the professional knowledge, skills, and leadership necessary to meet the evolving demands of the physical education field. We strive for a balanced approach that integrates theoretical concepts with applied exercise science, delivering practical content that empowers students to translate academic knowledge into effective real-world exercise practices.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Cardiometabolic health benefits across lifespan
  • HIIT under heat stress
Physical Fitness Assessment and Promotion
  • Youth fitness promotion
  • Fitness trend analysis
Sports Nutrition and Performance
  • Dietary supplementation and mouth rinse
  • Intermittent and low-carb dieting
Key Projects
  • High-Intensity Interval Training on Physical Fitness, Cognitive and Mental Health in Hong Kong Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities (Project HIITelligence)
  • High-Intensity Interval Exercise and A Low Carbohydrate Diet on Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Fitness in Physically Inactive Adults with Prediabetes
  • Umbrella reviews and evidence synthesis on various dietary and training strategies
  • Sport science knowledge promotion among Hong Kong Community
Key Projects
Key Facilities and Equipment
  • COSMED Quark Metabolic Systems
  • K5 Portable Metabolic Systems
  • BodPod and Tanita multi-frequency BIA Scale
  • H/p/cosmos treadmill & Monark Cycle-ergometers
Facilities and Equipment
Our Team
Mr Po-san WONG, Research Assistant
Mr Eric Chun-hin MA, Junior Research Assistant
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