Miss Ma Man Sum is currently assistant lecturer of SSPE department at CUHK, serving as SSPE Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) scheme coordinator. Previously, she worked as assistant lecturer in CUHK Physical Education Unit and Hong Kong Coaching Committee (HKCC) lecturer. She was an Elite karatedo athlete (Premier League World Top Ranking No.4, Asian Bronze Medalist, East Asian Games Silver Medalist & 2 times Asian Games Representative). In addition, she is a qualified karate coach and referee (KFHKCL), stretching instructor, sport trainer (CUHK), stick mobility specialist and certified functional strength coach.
Research Interests
Athletes’ career and lives
Physical education teacher professionalism
Selected Publications
Sum KWR, Morgan K, Ma, MS*, Choi SM. The influence of a customized continuing professional development programme on physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and efficacy beliefs. UNESCO Prospects – Special Issue 2021; 50:87-106. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11125-020-09471-4
Sum, K WR, Ma, MS*, Ha, A S, Tang, TM, Shek, CK, Cheng, C L & Kong, F. Action Research Exploring Chinese Physical Education Teachers’ Value of Physical Education: From Belief to Culture. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 2016, 5(1), 1-15
Sum, K WR, & Ma, MS*. A plea for support for elite student athletes in Hong Kong secondary schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 2014, 1-13
Ma, MS*. Unfolding nonconventional sexuality in sport participation. In: Sum, K. W. (Eds.) Qualitative Studies of Sociology of Physical Education and Sports - Hong Kong Stories; Our Theories. Tang’s Books Publisher Hong Kong. 2011, pp 169-184.
Courses Taught
Fitness Training
Individual Sports
Selected Honours and Awards
Hong Kong Professional Elite Ladies, 2022
Karate 1 Premier League, Silver, 2015
Asian Karatedo Championship, Bronze, 2012 & 2013
Hong Kong Asian Games Representative, 2014 & 2018
Elite Scholarship, Hong Kong Sports Institute, 2007-2022
Selected Professional Services
Management Committee Member, Hong Kong Paralympic Fund, Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government
Member, Community Sports Committee, Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government
Country Coordinator, International Olympic Academy Participants Association
Member, Hong Kong Olympic Fans Club Limited Executive Committee, Sports Federation and Olympic Committee
Member, Athlete Committee, Sports Federation and Olympic Committee
Member, Festival of Sport Organizing Committee Member, Sports Federation and Olympic Committee
Member, Sports/Athletic Trainer Commission, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science
Member, Corporate Relations Committee, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong China Ltd.
Convener, Membership, Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, China
Non-executive member, Coaching Committee, Hong Kong Karatedo Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited