The research group is a dynamic multi-disciplinary team of researchers devoted to learning, understanding, developing, and advancing in the areas of physical activity, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, and health sciences. Particularly, we seek to understand the associations and mechanisms between physical activity, sedentary behavior and human health (e.g., cardio-metabolic health) in different populations, and examine sports nutrition for exercise performance. We also study the social-environmental influences on children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviors and promote an active lifestyle among children. We aim to conduct high-quality and evidence-based research that makes significant impact on people’s exercise performance and health.
Sports Nutrition and Exercise Performance
Applied Physiology of Sports Science
Time-restricted Eating & Metabolic Health
Core Muscle Training & Health Benefits
High Intensity Interval Training
Physical Activity/Exercise and Health
Children’s Physical Activity & Health Promotion
Sedentary Behavior & Cardiometabolic Health
Key Projects
Promoting physical activity among primary school children and their families in Hong Kong: A community-based
healthy lifestyle program ("F.I.T. Family")
Wearing face masks during exercise in the heat: Does intensity and physical activity level matter?
Active Healthy Kids Hong Kong Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Hong Kong Chronicles - Sports
Key Facilities and Equipment
Cobas C 111 analyzer
MAX-IIa Metabolic Systems
Ultra-low temperature freezer
Bioelectrical impedance analyzer
Treadmill & Monark Cycle-ergometers
Accelerometers (ActiGraph, activPAL)
xMarkTM Microplate Absorbance Spectrophotometer
Our Team
PhD Students