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Bachelor of Education in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health (JS4329)

Qualification for Admissions
Programme Description
This programme will train physical education teachers, coaches, sports management and health promotion personnel for local academic institutions and government and private organisations. Completion of the programme leads to the award of a BEd degree, a qualification recognised as equivalent to a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, thereby entitling graduates to enter the teaching profession immediately after graduation.There is increasing recognition of the importance of health improvement through sport and physical education. This programme trains students as generalists in sports and physical education or as specialists in the areas of exercise physiology, sports biomechanics, sports psychology, sports sociology, physical education pedagogy, health and fitness, and testing and measurement.
Career Development / Prospects
  • Physical education teachers in primary / secondary schools
  • Physical education instructors at tertiary institutions
  • Administrators in government subvented / national sports associations
  • Physical training officers, inspectors or officers in disciplinary forces
  • Executives in fitness and leisure industries
  • Supervisors / officers in private and commercial sectors
  • Further study on higher degree in sports science and physical education
Programme Requirements
(Applicable to students admitted in 2022-23 and thereafter)
Courses Units
1. Major Requirements
Faculty Package 9
Physical Ed., Exercise Science and Health 83
Educational Studies 12
2. University Requirements
Language Requirement Courses 13
University and College General Education Courses 19
Understanding China 1
Hong Kong in the Wider Constitutional Order 1
Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking 3
Physical Education (exempted) 2
Elective Courses From any Discipline 6
Total: 147 units
(Applicable to students admitted in 2021-22 and before)
Courses Units
1. Major Requirements
Faculty Package 9
Physical Ed., Exercise Science and Health 83
Educational Studies 12
2. University Requirements
University & College General Education 21
Language Requirement 15
IT Competence 1
Elective Courses from any discipline 6
Total: 147 units
Study Scheme
Students are required to complete a minimum of 104 units of major courses as follows:
Programme A
(Applicable to students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)
Major Program Requirement Units
1. Faculty Package: EDUC 2120, 2312, SPED 2720 9
2. Required Courses:
(a) Core Courses in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
PHPC1001, 2016#, SPED2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2710, 2810, 3410, 3430, 3440, 3450, 3820, 3920, 4570
(b) Core Courses in Professional Skills
SPED2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2051, 2061, 2111, 2122, 2131, 2141, 2211, 3220, 3250
(c) Courses in Educational Studies
EDUC2240, 3201*, 3311, 4340
(d) Teaching Practice
SPED3400[3201], 4400[2201]
(e) Internship
(f) Research Experience
SPED3630, 4900
3. Elective Courses:
(a) Theoretical Courses in P.E., Exercise Science and Health
a minimum of 3 courses from the following:
CHPR4012#, PHPC2007#, 2009#, SPED3550, 3731, 3910, 4560, 4640, 4830
(b) Courses in Professional Skills
a minimum of 1 course from the following:
SPED 2112, 2134
(c) Courses in Educational Studies
A minimum of one course from the following:
EDUC2210, 2220, 3140, 3150, 3200, 3260, 3270, 3280, 3290, 4110, 4131, 4320, 4330
Total: 104 units
Programme B
(Applicable to students admitted in 2019-20 to 2020-21)
Major Program Requirement Units
1. Faculty Package: EDUC 2120, 2312, SPED 2720 9
2. Required Courses:
(a) Core Courses in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
SPED 2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2710, 2810, 3410, 3430, 3440, 3450, 3820, 3920, 4570, PHPC1001, 2016#
(b) Core Courses in Professional Skills
SPED 2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2051, 2061, 2111, 2122, 2131, 2141, 2211, 3220, 3250
(c) Teaching Practice Courses
SPED3400[3201], 4400[2201]
(d) Internship
SPED 4201
(e) Research Experience
SPED 3630, 4900
3. Elective Courses:
(a) Theoretical Courses in P.E., Exercise Science and Health a minimum of 3 courses from the following:
SPED 3550, 3731, 3910, 4560, 4640, 4830, PHPC2007#, 2009#, CHPR4012#
(b) Courses in Professional Skills a minimum of 1 course from the following:
SPED 2112, 2134
(c) Courses in Educational Studies
Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 units of courses

Required Courses (8 units)
EDUC 2240, 3311, 4340

Elective Courses (4 units) - a minimum of 2 courses from the following:
EDUC 2210, 2220, 3140, 3150, 3200, 3260, 3270, 3280, 3290, 4110, 4131, 4320, 4330
Total: 104 units
Programme C
(Applicable to students admitted in 2018-19)
Major Program Requirement Units
1. Faculty Package: EDUC 2120, 2312, SPED 2720 9
2. Required Courses:
(a) Core Courses in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
SPED 2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2710, 2810, 3410, 3430, 3440, 3450, 3820, 3920, 4570, PHPC1001, 2016#
(b) Core Courses in Professional Skills
SPED 2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2051, 2061, 2111, 2122, 2131, 2141, 2211, 3220, 3250
(c) Teaching Practice Courses
SPED3400[3201], 4400[2201]
(d) Internship
SPED 4201
(e) Research Experience
SPED 3630, 4900
3. Elective Courses:
(a) Theoretical Courses in P.E., Exercise Science and Health - a minimum of 3 courses from the following:
SPED 3550, 3731, 3910, 4560, 4640, 4830, PHPC2007#, 2009#, CHPR4012#
(b) Courses in Professional Skills - a minimum of 1 course from the following:
SPED 2112, 2134
(c) Courses in Educational Studies
Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 units of courses

Required Courses (8 units)
EDUC 2240, 3311, 4340

Elective Courses (4 units) - a minimum of 2 courses from the following:
EDUC 2210, 2220, 3140, 3150, 3200, 3260, 3270, 3280, 3290, 4110, 4130, 4131, 4320, 4330
Total: 104 units
  1. Students are required to complete at least 147 units of courses for graduation, including the above 104 units of major courses, 21 units of university & college general education courses, 15 units of language requirement, 1 unit of IT competence and 6 units of elective courses from any discipline.
  2. SPED and EDUC courses at 2000 level and above as included in the Major Programme Requirement as well as those labeled as # will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.
  3. [ ] Old course code in 2021-22 and before.
^ Substitute Course

Students MUST check the course fulfillment by referring to the study scheme under the Undergraduate Student Handbook.
Course List
Course Code Course Title Units
SPED 2010 Team Sports 1
SPED 2011 Teaching Basketball: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2021 Teaching Volleyball: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2031 Teaching Soccer: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2041 Teaching Handball: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2051 Teaching Badminton: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2061 Teaching Table Tennis: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2110 Individual Sports 1
SPED 2111 Teaching Swimming I: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2112 Teaching Swimming II: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2122 Fitness Training for Health and Sports Performance 1
SPED 2131 Teaching Track and Field Events I: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2134 Teaching Track and Field Events II: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2141 Fundamental Movement and Dances 1
SPED 2211 Teaching Gymnastics: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2520 Functional Human Anatomy and Sports Injuries 3
SPED 2540 Introduction to Exercise Physiology 3
SPED 2600 Basic Statistics, Test and Measurement for Physical Education 3
SPED 2610 Introduction to Exercise Biomechanics 3
SPED 2710 Sociology of Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 2720* Foundation of Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 2810 Psychomotor Learning 3
SPED 3220 Alternative Sports 1
SPED 3250 Teaching Dance: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 3400 Teaching Practice in Primary School 4
SPED 3410 Curriculum Planning for Physical Education 3
SPED 3430 Administration and Management in Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 3440 Pedagogy of Secondary Physical Education 3
SPED 3450 Pedagogy of Primary Physical Education 3
SPED 3550 Physiology of Human Performance 3
SPED 3630 Introduction to Research Methods 3
SPED 3731 Selected Topics in Sports Sociology 3
SPED 3820 Introduction to Exercise and Sports Psychology 3
SPED 3910 Adapted Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 3920 Human Growth and Health Education 3
SPED 4201 Internship in Sports Industry 2
SPED 4400 Teaching Practice in Secondary School 4
SPED 4560 Physical Fitness Appraisal and Exercise Prescription 3
SPED 4570 Education and Promotion of Exercise and Health 3
SPED 4640 Human Kinematics and Kinetics 3
SPED 4830 Psychological Aspects of Sports and Exercise 3
SPED 4900 Research Project 3
CHPR 3002 Health Education and Health Behaviours 3
CHPR 4012 Mental Health as a Public Health Issue 3
PHPC 1001 Foundations in Public Health 2
PHPC 2007 Nutrition and Health 3
PHPC 2009 Environment and Work 3
PHPC 2016 Theories and Concepts of Health Behaviours 3
EDUC 2120* Principles and Implementation of Curriculum and Instructional Design 3
EDUC 2210 Education and Society in Hong Kong 2
EDUC 2220 Educational Thought 2
EDUC 2240 Understanding Schooling and Education Policy in Hong Kong 3
EDUC 2312* Child and Adolescent Development 3
EDUC 3140 Curricular Strategies for Tackling Individual Differences 2
EDUC 3150 Global Dialogues on Education for Sustainable Development in the Curriculum 2
EDUC 3200 Developing Intercultural Competence: Experiential Learning 3
EDUC 3201 Ethics and Professional Standards for Teacher 2
EDUC 3260 Teacher Development and Leadership 2
EDUC 3270 Engendering Education 2
EDUC 3280 An Introduction to Moral and Citizenship Education 2
EDUC 3290 Meaning Concerns, Death and Life Education 2
EDUC 3311 Psychology Applied to Learning and Teaching 3
EDUC 4110 Dynamic Curriculum Development for Innovative Learning Experiences 2
EDUC 4130 Information and Technology in Education 2
EDUC 4131 e-Learning in Schools 2
EDUC 4320 Classroom Management and School Discipline 2
EDUC 4330 School Guidance and Counselling 2
EDUC 4340 Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs 2
* Courses for the Faculty Package
▴ Applicable for student admitted in 2018-19
Application for CUHK Students

Change of Major (for 2024-25) under CUSIS
Application Period : June 3 to June 21, 2024 (Department internal deadline)
Students who wish to apply for major in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health must submit the e-Application form under CUSIS (Program Change) to our Department for change of major on or before June 21, 2024 together with the following documents:
  • this form
  • copy of academic report(s)
  • copy of public examination certificates (HKDSE or others)
Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview.
Students will be notified the results by telephone on or before July 8, 2024.

Minimum Conditions for Change of Major:
  1. Students should satisfy at least one of the following conditions for change of major:
  2. The student has taken course(s) of at least 6 units with an average grade of not less than B- that would count towards the major requirements of the programme; or
  3. The admission WGPA score (e.g. HKDSE or others) of the student must be better than the student at the lowest decile who had been successfully admitted to the programme concerned in the same year that s/he was first admitted to the University; or
  4. The student has attained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in the current academic year.
Please visit the RES homepage for further details:
Tel: 3943 3384
Application for Minor in PESH Programme (for 2024-25)
Course Requirements
Minor Programme:
Programme A
(Applicable to students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)
Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 units of courses, including 15 units of theoretical courses and 3 units of professional skills courses. Among the 18 units of courses, students should complete at least 6 units of courses at 3000 or above level.

(i) Professional Skills Teaching (3 units):
SPED 2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2051, 2061, 2111, 2112, 2122, 2131, 2134, 2141, 2211, 3220, 3250.

(ii) Theoretical Courses (15 units):
SPED 2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2710, 2720, 2810, 3410, 3430, 3440, 3450, 3550, 3630, 3731, 3820, 3910, 3920, 4560, 4570, 4640, 4830, 4900, PHPC1001, 2007, 2016.
Total: 18 units

Programme B
(Applicable to students admitted in 2019-20 and 2020-21)
Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 units of courses, including 15 units of theoretical courses and 3 units of professional skills courses. Among the 18 units of courses, students should complete at least 6 units of courses at 3000 or above level.

(i) Professional Skills Teaching (3 units):
SPED 2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2051, 2061, 2111, 2112, 2122, 2131, 2134, 2141, 2211, 3220, 3250.

(ii) Theoretical Courses (15 units):
SPED 2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2710, 2720, 2810, 3410, 3430, 3440, 3450, 3550, 3630, 3731, 3820, 3910, 3920, 4560, 4570, 4640, 4830, 4900, PHPC1001, 2007, 2009, CHPR3002.
Total: 18 units

Programme C
(Applicable to students admitted in 2018-19 and before)
Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 units of courses, including 15 units of theoretical courses and 3 units of professional skills courses. Among the 18 units of courses, students should complete at least 6 units of courses at 3000 or above level.

(i) Professional Skills Teaching (3 units):
SPED 2010, 2011, 2021, 2031, 2041, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2061, 2110, 2111, 2122, 2132, 2133, 2141, 2211, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3260, 3270.

(ii) Theoretical Courses (15 units):
SPED 2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2710, 2720, 2810, 3410, 3430, 3440, 3450, 3550, 3630, 3731, 3820, 3910, 3920, 4560, 4570, 4640, 4830, 4900, PHPC1001, 2007, 2009, CHPR3002.
Total: 18 units

Explanatory Note:
PHPC2016 is removed from the Minor Programme requirement from 2017-18 to 2020-21. Students admitted in 2020-21 and before who have taken the course should consult the Programme for arrangement.

Course List
Course Code Course Title Units
Professional Courses
SPED 2010 Team Sports 1
SPED 2011 Teaching Basketball: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2021 Teaching Volleyball: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2031 Teaching Soccer: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2041 Teaching Handball: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2050 Racquet Sports 1
SPED 2051 Teaching Badminton: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2052 Teaching Tennis: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2053 Teaching Squash: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2061 Teaching Table Tennis: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2110 Individual Sports 1
SPED 2111 Teaching Swimming I: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2112 Teaching Swimming II: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2122 Fitness Training for Health and Sports Performance 1
SPED 2131 Teaching Track and Field Events I: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2132 Teaching Track Events: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2133 Teaching Field Events: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2134 Teaching Track and Field Events II: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 2141 Fundamental Movement and Dances 1
SPED 2211 Teaching Gymnastics: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 3220 Alternative Sports 1
SPED 3230 Teaching Chinese and Asian Combative Sports: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 3250 Teaching Social Dance and Folk Dance: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 3260 Teaching Rope Skipping: Theory and Practice 1
SPED 3270 Principles of Coaching and Officiating 1
Theoretical Courses
SPED 2520 Functional Human Anatomy and Sports Injuries 3
SPED 2540 Introduction to Exercise Physiology 3
SPED 2600 Basic Statistics, Test and Measurement for Physical Education 3
SPED 2610 Introduction to Exercise Biomechanics 3
SPED 2710 Sociology of Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 2720 Foundation of Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 2810 Psychomotor Learning 3
SPED 3410 Curriculum Planning for Physical Education 3
SPED 3430 Administration and Management in Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 3440 Pedagogy of Secondary Physical Education 3
SPED 3450 Pedagogy of Primary Physical Education 3
SPED 3550 Physiology of Human Performance 3
SPED 3630 Introduction to Research Methods 3
SPED 3731 Selected Topics in Sports Sociology 3
SPED 3820 Introduction to Exercise and Sports Psychology 3
SPED 3910 Adapted Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 3920 Human Growth and Health Education 3
SPED 4560 Physical Fitness Appraisal and Exercise Prescription 3
SPED 4570 Education and Promotion of Exercise and Health 3
SPED 4640 Human Kinematics and Kinetics 3
SPED 4830 Psychological Aspects of Sports and Exercise 3
SPED 4900 Research Project 3
PHPC 1001 Foundations in Public Health 2
PHPC 2007 Nutrition and Health 3
PHPC 2009 Environment and Work 3
PHPC 2016 Theories and Concepts of Health Behaviours 3

Application Period (Department Internal Deadline):
Round 1: 22 July 2024 to 9 September 2024
Round 2: 1 November 2024 to 16 December 2024

Students who wish to apply for minor in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health (PESH) must submit the application form to our Department together with the following documents:
  • this form
  • copy of academic report(s)
  • copy of public examination certificates (HKDSE or others)
  • personal statement for declaration of PESH minor
  • reference letter (if any)
Assessment Criteria:
  • academic results
  • enthusiasm and interest in PE
  • career development
  • strength
Shortlisted applicants may be invited for an interview.

Please note that even if students have taken enough courses to fulfil the minor requirement, there is no guarantee of acceptance into the PESH Minor Programme. Prior application and approval from the Department are required. Approval is subject to the Department’s decision.

Link of REG website for Declare/Change of Minor(s).

Tel: 3943 6096

Students MUST check the course fulfillment of the intended minor by referring to the study scheme under the Undergraduate Student Handbook, and input courses that they have already taken for the minor programme (via this link). Students’ applications will only be approved if they have registered/nearly registered all the course requirements.

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