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Bachelor of Science in Human Movement Science and Health Studies (JS4320)

Dual Degree Programme in Bachelor of Science in Human Movement Science and Health Studies (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Bachelor of Education in Sport Science (Beijing Sports University)
(Note: This new programme to be introduced in 2025-26 is subject to confirmation of the University Senate)
Qualification for Admissions
Programme Description
The programme aims to provide an interdisciplinary learning experience to students who are interested in the scientific and medical aspects of human movement, coaching, health and rehabilitation, and research-oriented activities in academia. The Human Movement Science explores the causes and consequences of human movement across the lifespan, including the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic conditions that cause disorders of movement. The Health Studies teach students to develop and apply principles of exercise-based preventative intervention, management of health and wellbeing, and rehabilitation to individuals who are injured or physically impaired. Students will examine human movement from different perspectives, including injury prevention, exercise rehabilitation, biomechanics, exercise physiology, health and fitness, motor control and motor development to equip themselves to contribute to major medical advances and more effective models of health care. This programme prepares students for professional career in coaching, rehabilitation, sports therapy, health-related sector, sport-related industrial, or exercise scientist.
Dual Degree Programme (Optional)
The Department of Sports Science and Physical Education offers an option for local students admitted to Bachelor of Science (Human Movement Science and Health Studies) Programme to apply for participating in a dual degree programme (DDP) with Beijing Sports University. This Dual Degree Programme (DDP) combines the strength from both institutions. In addition to the education and research excellence in sports science, CUHK will offer students the unique experience of integrated eastern and western educational disciplines and overseas exchange opportunities. At BSU, students can acquire knowledge about sports rehabilitation and receive the national-level sports training with the use of advanced sports facilities. Graduates from this DDP will be equipped with comprehensive knowledge and skills in sport and exercise science at the international level. They will be able to pursue career in sports science research, sports training, physical education, health education and administration, sport-related industrial and academic institutions at all levels.

Under this framework, students in this programme will obtain a Bachelor of Science in Human Movement Science and Health Studies offered by CUHK and a Bachelor of Education in Sport Science offered by BSU upon completion of the graduation requirements of the concerned programmes.

Study Pattern of Dual Degree Programme
Students will study for 2 years at CUHK and 2 years at BSU, respectively.
For CUHK DDP students:
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Beijing Sport University Beijing Sport University The Chinese University of Hong Kong
For BSU DDP students:
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Beijing Sport University The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong Beijing Sport University
Intake Quota
20 (including both Local and Non-local) with a maximum of 5-10 quota allocated to the Dual Degree Programme.
Career Development / Prospects
  • Coaching
  • Rehabilitation
  • Sports Therapy
  • Exercise scientist
  • Administrators in government subvented / national sports associations
  • Physical training officers, inspectors or officers in the disciplinary forces
  • Executives in the fitness and leisure industries
  • Supervisors / officers in the private and commercial sectors
  • Further study in higher-degree programmes in sports science and physical education
Programme Requirements
Courses Units
1. Major Requirements
Faculty Package 9
Human Movement Science and Health Studies 30
Research Experience 6
Internship 2
Theoretical Courses 12
2. University Requirements
Language Requirement Courses 13
University and College General Education Courses 19
Understanding China 1
Hong Kong in the Wider Constitutional Order 1
Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking 3
Physical Education 2
Elective Courses From any Discipline 25
Total: 123 units
Study Scheme
Students are required to complete a minimum of 59 units of major courses as follows:
Major Program Requirement Units
1. Faculty Package: SPED1000, SPED2500, SPED2720 9
2. Required Courses:
(a) Core Courses in Human Movement Science and Health Studies
SPED2520, 2540, 2600, 2610, 2700, 2810, 3500, 3820, 3910, 3920, 4570
(b) Research Experience
SPED3630, 4900
(c) Internship
3. Elective Courses:
(a) Theoretical Courses in Human Movement Science
Two courses chosen from the following:
SPED3550, 4560, 4640, 4830
(b) Theoretical Courses in Health Studies
Two courses chosen from the following:
CHPR3002#, 4012#, SPED3700, 3910
Total: 59 units
Students MUST check the course fulfillment by referring to the study scheme under the Undergraduate Student Handbook.
Course List
Course Code Course Title (English) Unit(s)
SPED 1000 Introduction to Human Movement Science 3
SPED 2500 Exercise Nutrition and Health 3
SPED 2520 Functional Human Anatomy and Sports Injuries 3
SPED 2540 Introduction to Exercise Physiology 3
SPED 2600 Basic Statistics, Test and Measurement for Physical Education 3
SPED 2610 Introduction to Exercise Biomechanics 3
SPED 2700 Principles of Strength Training and Conditioning 3
SPED 2720 Foundation of Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 2810 Psychomotor Learning 3
SPED 3500 Sports Injury and Exercise Rehabilitation 3
SPED 3550 Physiology of Human Performance 3
SPED 3630 Introduction to Research Methods 3
SPED 3700 Sports and Health Technology 3
SPED 3820 Introduction to Exercise and Sports Psychology 3
SPED 3910 Adapted Physical Education and Sports 3
SPED 3920 Human Growth and Health Education 3
SPED 4201 Internship in Sports Industry 2
SPED 4560 Physical Fitness Appraisal and Exercise Prescription 3
SPED 4570 Education and Promotion of Exercise and Health 3
SPED 4640 Human Kinematics and Kinetics 3
SPED 4830 Psychological Aspects of Sports and Exercise 3
SPED 4900 Research Project 3
CHPR 3002 Health Education and Health Behaviours 3
CHPR 4012 Mental Health as a Public Health Issue 3
Application for HMSH Applicant

Application of the dual degree programme with BSU
JUPAS Students interested in studying in the dual degree programme (DDP) with BSU should put HMSH programme in their Band A. They should also submit the following web form to the HMSH programme directly once their applications are submitted in the JUPAS application system.

Non-JUPAS Students interested in studying in the dual degree programme (DDP) with BSU should submit the webform below to the HMSH programme directly once their applications are submitted in the CUHK application system.

WebForm URL:

A joint selection committee consisting of representatives from both universities will be established to shortlist and interview students who want to join the DDP. For CUHK HMSH Major students who want to participate in the DDP, they will be interviewed by the joint selection committee in mid-August after they are formally registered as CUHK students. The interview with BSU students for the DDP will be scheduled with BSU.

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